Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yummy Pizza in Chicago

By Lu

I just realized that I really like Pizza. I am a very strong person, some of my friends wouldn't think so because I would whine to them, but because of them, I am strong. Mentally, I can be very strong - not when it comes to running a marathon mind over matter kinda strong; but I'm usually good at focusing and getting to a goal. I don't cave very easily either, except for free pizza at work...boy oh boy.

The above picture is the deep dish pizza from Pizza Palace in Elmhurst, IL. I think it is the bestest deep dish pizza in Chicago. Pizza Palace is this little hole in the wall pizzaria in Emhurst, Illinois. It is about 10 minutes from Oak Brook Mall. It has been around for over 50 years and boy, they're good. You may wait awhile but they serve cold beers and great stuffed mushroom. I can't never take a new date here as I used to go there with my ex husband, Mark all the time. The waitress there knows us well and thinks we're still married. She used to always asked when would we have a baby. Mark would just smile and say "maybe later". On Saturday night, they often have live music, just a gentleman by the name of Rob Lane. He plays an acoustic guitar and plays James Taylor, The Eagles, Jim Croce songs... and of course, the main event of the night is when he starts a sing along of "American Pie."
I went out for pizza last Sunday at Quartino in Chicago with my friends..really good! We ordered 3 different pizzas - white pizza with spicy sausage, a duck prosciutto and arugula and regular pepperoni. Yep, I didn't order the pepperoni...he..he..he..But again, it was free pizza. Sandrine and Scott took me, Tina, Sarah, and Rebecca out to thank us for the baby shower and boy I felt appreciated..not to mention I got a nice yoga outfits along with the excellent meal. Too bad we didn't take picture of the pizza at Quartino's, but here are the appetizer salumi tasting platter and all of us full, after a great dinner and several carafes of Bellini. Quartino is a great Italian place in Chicago and one of my many friends' favorite restaurants.. So try it if you want some good Italian food. Prices aren't too bad either. But they said the cocktails aren't that great but Bellini is THE BEST.

Well, I had a great time and I loveeee pizza. There are tons of different ones and almost every area has their own version of pizza. Chicago is of course famous for its deep dish, and new yorker pizza is totally different. I was in Pittsburgh earlier this week and had pizza there that is similar to a new york style and was tasty. There's Baltimore pizza, Neapolitan pizza from Napoli or Naples in Italy, there's California pizza, Mexican pizza, even Indonesia has its own kind. The Pizza Hut in Jakarta serves rendang pizza..rendang is a Indonesian stewed beef cooked in coconut milk. They used the beef as pizza topping. My mom used to make tuna pizza, and I used to go crazy for it as it's good. I don't know if I would think so still now. But my boyfriend at the time, Philippe, tried my mom's tuna pizza and he liked it. From his name you can guess he's French. So he should have known good food. I used to be so crazy about him..hehehe..he's probably the last guy that I actually chased and caught. I think after him, they were the ones who did the chasing. Man, that was so long ago. I used to stalk him on the phone and told him he was hot and looked better than Kevin Costner. This was back at Dances with Wolves era..mkay?! :-D LOL! But he thought I was too young. I was 17 and he was 25. When I turned 18, I asked him out to dinner to celebrate my birthday. He said yes, and the rest was history. But, not long after, I left for the US and we never saw each other again. We're still friends... on facebook anyway! But one thing I could say my first french kiss was with a french man.

One thing about pizza, there are so many options, so many varieties, so many things you can do with it. Also, if you ordered pizza, it would come and the next thing it'd be gone. I mean they're gone so fast. I could inhale pizza like in a matter of seconds or minutes! When I was in Pittsburgh, my dealer bought us pizza for lunch..and there were only 2 girls in the room, and I think I had 3 slices within the first 10 minutes while the guys are still chewing. I was too embarrassed to get more though I probably could down 3 more slices easy. They're gone so quick. I could enjoy and savor pizza, but at the same time I could just put it away like in a snap!

Today my office received a bad news that one of our Executives passed away in a tragic accident. Jack was a great guy. I didn't spend that much time with him as he's based in New Jersey, but what a nice guy. Last time he was in Chicago, it was for a huge dealer meeting. He was worried about his presentation as he needed a capable hand to move him from segment to segment. I helped him and did a great job. His presentation went flawless from transition, sounds, lighting, everything. Before he went up, he asked me.."Are you ready?" with a big smile though he was worried. I went.."Yep. Got your back, Jack!" Afterward, when it was over and everybody clapped to our latest ads that he just presented he came to me with a huge laugh and gave me a high five and said.."Great Job! All right!"

Later I heard he was impressed enough with me that he told people he was going to steal me and take me to New Jersey. It was a great compliment and I was truly shocked to hear that he died so tragically today.

He was so young, so successful. My organization really lost somebody valuable. Rest in peace, Jack.

But like pizza, life offers so many choices and before we know it, it can end. People always say live life to the fullest but how and what is that? What choices do I make so I can be okay if I should die tomorrow? Should I live on the edge and always do things with no regrets? Or should I live responsible and have a safe life??

So many times I contemplated about following my heart, do what I think is right and have no regret. But people make choices in life every day - some they may regret, some they knew they would regret it but do it anyway so they won't regret other things, and some are just thankful with what they have and live happily.

Some people search and search for happiness, for better and bigger things, for more adventures, more money, more thrills, more of everything. But I saw a quote the other day that say.. "the happiest people do not have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have."

I think that's what I am gonna do. That is how I will live my life. I am going to try to be grateful for the blessing I receive, will appreciate people around me who are nice and treat me well, will work with what I have to make the best out of life, and accept the fate dealt to me the best way possible. Yep, I think I am strong mentally. Though I can't say I have the best of life, the best job, the best body, the best personality, but I will make it work for me.

There are two things certain in life - paying taxes and dying. I will pay my taxes instead of living on the edge and take risk to get audited, and hopefully when I die, I will die a happy woman. Life is like pizza.. you can choose anchovies, pineapple, and sausage on it or you can make it the works..but do you notice, whatever choice it is..even when it sounds bad, it is still good. Life can't be that bad, and it is too short not to make the right choice for yourself so when you do exit, and exhale... it will be worth it.

But if you want to live on the edge and eat pizza while you're at it: venture to Elmhurst, IL and try Pizza Palace Deep Dish Pizza. It is so underrated. Service may not be their strong suit, but the pizza is worth the wait.

You downtown people, Quartino is always a great place to sip some Bellini and chow some artsy pizza.

You can't lose.


  1. hmmm...Pizza Palace Deep Dish Pizza, Elmhurst, IL
    *taking notes

  2. Come over anytime, cuz..I'll take you on a Chicago Pizza Tour!

  3. Alex, you're still hung up on deep dish pizza? When you find yourself in Chicago someday, Lou will take you to Pizza Palace for sure. Or when you're in NY, we'll go get ourselves some real NY slices! Or when you're in Kathmandu, we'll have to settle for the Road House cafe pizza, which is not bad actually.

  4. deep dish pizza after United Center & Michael Jordan statue sounds very good!!!!

    hopefully soon ya...
    *fingers crossed

  5. Ok...I'm waiting... I took Billy, Novy & Mike, and Putri there - pizza and MJ's statue. I'm experienced on that!

  6. Lu- if you are ever in NYC - Lombardi's the best pizza ever margharita is soo good!!

  7. @Cherryl: Lombardi has been a frequent stop for me and my husband whenever we're in NY. Unfortunately, Lu hasn't spent more than a couple of days each time she visited and somehow I've never taken her there. On this last visit (read our last post), I actually had just had dinner with a friend at Lombardi's the night before Lu arrived in town!
