Monday, February 28, 2011

Chicago Restaurant Week Part 2 - NAHA

Banana Millefeuille
By Lu

Turned out, I couldn't settle for one outing for Restaurant Week. I've been trying to get Mark, Helen, and Michael to go for another dinner on the last day of Restaurant Week which was yesterday (Sunday), but it just did not work out. I thought it would be fun to take Mark out for his birthday dinner in the city and get great food for less price. But, nooo....! Oh well, his lost!

Tina and I made plan lightly about going to the Blue Line to watch the Oscar on Sunday. When plan with Mark went bust; Tina reminded me about going to the Blue Line. I was like..oh yeah! I forgot about that. But then, after writing about Branch 27 the other day and looking at the menus of some of my favorite restaurants; I couldn't settle to go for the skillet Mac and Cheese at Blue Line. We could get it anytime I thought. So I asked her if she would go to Blackbird or Naha - both menus were excellent! She said sure as long as she could wear jeans.

Blackbird is not open on Sundays; however, Naha would be, just for Restaurant Week. We got lucky and got in at five PM. If I were ever happy to being flighty, it was yesterday. Glad I changed my mind from the original plan and sent Tina many emails trying to talk her out of going to Blue Line.

Naha is owned and operated by chef Carrie Nahabedian. Along with her cousin, Michael, they manage to make Naha a very successful Chicago restaurant for the last several years. My old co-worker, Jim Reynolds, used to work for her as her sous chef. Jim used to tell me how Carrie was a crazy talented cook from a very young age, being the first female saucier at the Four Seasons when she was really really young. Jim took Kerri (another friend and former co-worker), and myself there, and we had a feast. I was in awe since that day back in 2004. Funny, it took me this long to come back.

When we got there, the restaurant looked closed. I got a little worried for a little bit--I could swear I made reservation for Sunday at five o'clock. After waiting outside for about 10 minutes, a guy opened the door and he said.."Sorry folks, but we're closed for private party this evening." Tina and I were like.."what?!" Then he cracked a smile as he shook his head back and forth.."Just kidding!"

Whew! good one, guy! You got me worried there for a second. We were seated in a corner by the window. I loved our server. He looked like the guy that played Karate Monkey on the play "Planet Karate" which we both went to see Friday night at Donny Skybox in Second City Theater. Don't worry, Karate Monkey was played by a person and he did not look like a monkey. He was kind of cute actually, and he wrote that awesome play!

Tina and I actually enjoyed our experience with every Naha's staff that we encountered, from the hostesses to the server. The service was impeccably professional, yet not stuffy. The staff were all friendly and welcoming. Our server was knowledgeable of the food as he pronounced all the french words in the menu flawlessly. He also recommended a nice Cabernet that paired really well with Tina's entree.

We got served a bread plate with butter, which I devoured. I always have a soft spot for a nice bread and butter service; though, yes I know - carb is bad, bad, bad! Didn't care. I also ordered the NAHA Colada whose sales would go for a Chicago charity. I am not a big drinker - in fact, I'm not a drinker at all. I usually can't do pina colada even though I love the taste of it. Rum hates me. But this colada was made with vodka and it was quite delish.

Before I start to brag about the food - I just want to tell you the reason I am taking the time to write another post so soon. It is because our experience was simply WOW. Top shelf.

Shrimps and Grits
 We started the first course with "Laughing Bird shrimps from Belize, and 3 sisters garden white grits in natural shellfish broth garnished with chevril." In short, the best shrimp and grits I ever tasted. The shrimps were fluffy and yummy. I didn't taste that yucky aftertaste of frozen shrimps I usually get eating seafood in Chicago. The grits was creamy and the broth was rich rich rich. Tina almost chose another appetizer so that we could sample another thing; but, the other items in the menu were merely simple salad, a savory tarte tatin, and squash soup. They paled in comparison to the shrimps. I told her to forget it and get the shrimps. She was glad she did.

Then, second course: Tina chose the Wagyu Beef Brisket served with lentils and roasted vegetables in a beef jus. I contemplated between the white fish and the quail. The quail was more expensive, at $44 instead of $33. After a short contemplation, Tina talked me into getting the quail. She knew I loved quail and could not believe that I would choose the white fish due to price. But then I saw the white fish would be served with Brussell Sprout and that was a deal breaker for me. With that, I chowed down the wood grilled quail served with foie gras, wild rice, chesnuts, caramelized fennels, arugula, apricot and licorice in a port reduction with a big smile. Yummmmm!!!!

Wagyu Beef Brisket

Quail with Foie Gras
It was Tina's first time to taste foie gras. She said it was phenomenal! Well, duh! I remember a long time ago Philippe introduced me to the idea of foie gras and I had no idea what it was. Though I know it is mean to fatten up a goose to get their liver to enlarge; I just can not say that foie gras is not one of the greatest gifts that mankind ever received. I am so sorry little goosy.

I ate my plate clean. So did Tina. She kept giving me warning if I wanted to eat some of hers to get it then as if not, it would be gone!

Lastly, there's a lot to say about desserts. They were superb beyond superb, especially for a tasting menu during restaurant week for a discounted price! Tina got the fresh Greek Yogurt Panna Cotta served with Door County cherries and pecan streusel. I chose the Banana Millefeuille, served with caramelized bananas, salted caramel cream, and vanilla mouseline. When I saw the word "Millefeuille" of course, I couldn't pass it up. I know how hard it is to make one, and I just had to see how their millefeuille would be. It didn't disappoint in the least. It was puffy and softly crunchy. Further, the combination of the salted caramel creme and the vanilla pudding were great. I really don't have any bad thing to say about it.

Greek Yogurt Panna Cotta
The panna cotta was flawless as well - creamy, a little tart, and was put into a great parfait with cherries and the pecan streusel, in lieu of the granola I usually would have with my Greek Yogurt. It was elevated Greek Yogurt experience and I would never know it could be elevated that high. With the check, they brought us 4 petit-fours of chocolate ganache and ginger jelly. It was very nice of them, and unexpected!

I told Tina we would come back next year to Naha. She was like.."next year? Can we come back sooner?" Somebody liked it! She also told me that she was glad she gave in to my change of plan.
In short - we closed Restaurant Week with happy faces and tummy. Till next year!


  1. Oh Lu... Work friend wants to read your take on the girl and the goat

  2. can comment on your own! Yep, Bison short ribs, next! But we need a breather.

  3. Oh..never been there. We should go to Girl and the goat sometime.

  4. The food looked fantastic. You ate well, Lu!

  5. I definitely have been, Pete. Are you still coming in March?

  6. i wanna come on your foodie adventures next rest. week..... pleaseeee:) - KiH-

  7. Now every fine dining experience is compared to Naha... still talking about the shrimp & grits, foie gras, and the panna cotta!!! Must go back!!!
