Sunday, January 30, 2011

Forget Me Not - Sinful 6 Layer Cookie Bar

By Lu

Don't you think it's about time that we give you another recipe to try out?! I'd say, and I got one that is just so scrumptious, you will want to make it as soon as you're done reading this! Did you read the title of this post? Yes, it is definitely sinful, and I think by now you get my fetish of layers. I don't know why, I love complex things where I can feel its depth and peel it layer by layer - either for figuring it out or for appreciating how several items can morph into a balanced concoction of another yummy goodness. We always need a mystery in life to keep things interesting. That is why I love my layers of stuff.
This cookie bar has 6 layers of various sinful ingredients and yet combined together, they morphed into heaven in your mouth. I first tasted it, at my friends' Dipak and Brady's Super Bowl party a couple weeks ago. Most of the people in the party were all foodies and the common thread that tied us together was that most of us are members of Six Degree of Dipak's Food Club. Just imagine, a foodie Super Bowl betcha it was filled with great foods, and more great foods! Let's see what were on the list: Marilou's fried lumpia, Tina's Mom's famous kalbi, Dipak's spicy and yummy lamb curry stew, Brady's pork tenderloin sliders, Korean chicken wings (I didn't make this, I bought them...oups), Texas-strength Margarita, Kelly and Matt's Cochinita Pibil, Scott's pizza roll, Rebecca's handmade spaetzle and many more.

However, one thing that really stuck with me was Ranaa's 6 Layer Cookie Bar. I saw her fighting with the spatula trying to cut it into little pieces. I looked at it from a far, and when she got a couple bars cut out, I snagged one. It didn't look particularly beautiful; but, it smelled soooo rich and good! When I put it in my mouth, it tasted even better. After that, I saw a lot of popped eyes each time they just got done chewing one of these bars. I asked Tina.."Did you try Ranaa's dessert?" She popped her eyes..." good!" in her usual Tina's fashion. Yeah, the sentiment about the bars continued that way. After shamefully swallowing 4 of these bars, I had to ask Ranaa for the recipe. She emailed me the recipe right then! Oh, I was so happy.

Her original recipe called this the 7 layer cookie bar as it included an extra layer of peanut butter (that Ranaa did omit, and I also agree to exclude it - but you can add it if you want to).

The best part is - even if the only thing you are good at around the kitchen is to boil water, you can make this with no trouble. Further, if you bring this to any party, even one filled with foodies; you will come out on top.

I tweaked her recipe a bit to fit my taste:
Note: on this recipe, for those outside the US who do not have cup measurement, just loosely translate the cup with "handful." It's really hard to screw this one up.

1/2 cup of butter, melted
1 1/2 cup Graham Cracker Crumbs (you can buy the ready crumbs, or make the crumbs yourself. Indonesians - you can use Marie Regal Biscuits to make the crumbs.)
1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
1 cup (or more) sweetened coconut flakes
1 cup butterscotch chips
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped walnut

Preheat oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit/ 180 degree Celcius. Then, smear butter on the bottom and side of a 13 inch x 9 inch baking pan (30 cm x 20 cm). Cut a piece of parchment paper to cover the bottom and sides of pan. Make sure they stick to the pan.

Mix melted butter and crumbs together, and sprinkle on the bottom of pan evenly. Press down firmly with spatula so it will form a crust for the bar. Pour down condensed milk all over and make sure it covers everything.
Sprinkle coconut first, walnut, butterscotch chips, and chocolate chips. Baked for about 20 minutes to 25 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven, cool, and start the struggle of taking it out of the pan or cutting it out into bars!

Really, the hardest part is cutting it, or taking it out of the pan easily and nicely. I had a hard time myself even after I layered the bottom with parchment. Thus why, I suggest you coat the side with either butter or non stick spray, and parchment it if you can. I think a well greased springform pan would work the best. However, no matter how it looks, you would forget about that it may look ugly after you taste it. Simply sinful.

I cursed myself today hating that I have a really strong memory as even after I tried to forgive, I can't usually forget. It is hard in life sometime even though your heart has the immense ability to forgive someone or a situation, your mind might not let go. It is the same situation with this cookie bar. I forgave myself for my trespasses of having 4 helpings of this cookie bar a couple weeks ago against my better judgment; yet, my mind can not let go of how good it was. I made it last week against my better judgment again but I brought it to Sandrine's Hot Pot party to share with friends. I've seen some very happy faces when they saw the bars..."Wow, again?! Hell yeah! oh, this is sooo good!"

Forget Me Not - Sinful 6 Layer Cookie Bar - it is a mouthful of a name. Well, you get my drift :). One thing I know for sure in life, something sweet and joyful usually isn't difficult.

Thanks to Ranaa Ansari for sharing this decadent recipe!!! I thank you though my waist does not!


  1. This is when I wish I live in Chicago. Sigh.

  2. i dont think i can find tolhouse stuff here..or butterscotch for that matter :(

    look so good :/

  3. Pete - you can make it yourself!!

    Nette - change the chocolate chip with any chocolate chunk, and change the butterscotch to caramel hard candies!

  4. Maybe I'll send you some butterscotch with the light sabers!

  5. OMG Lu, seriously, i think your blog is partly responsible for my escalating glucose level. Not that i'm complaining! 6 layer cookie bar next, it is! :-))

  6. Hehehehehehehehehehehehe.........
    I promise next recipe will be savory then. It will just spike your blood pressure?!

  7. Those look so good! That's like a heart attack in a bite!

  8. OMG I went to the store and bought the ingredients last night... you are EVIL :P
    love ya...kih

  9. LuLu
    Where would you put the peanut butter if you were to use it?

  10. I would put it after the Graham Cracker and before the condensed milk. I think if not it would be a mess after the milk. Yay, I hope you try to make it :D Miss u!
